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Innovation Grants

The Congressional App Challenge is an annual competition aimed at encouraging students to learn to code and to inspire them to pursue careers in computer science. It is open to middle and high school students from across the United States. The registration has opened and the deadline is October 24th, 2024.

Here are a few reasons why you should consider developing a language learning app: 

  • High demand for innovative and engaging language learning tools

  • Opportunities to incorporate AI and gamification

  • Potential to help people connect across cultures

  • Promote diversity and inclusion

What? Our organization will offer up to $500 to challenge participants who are working on promoting language and culture learning. These grants can provide you with the financial support needed to turn your app idea into reality. 


Why?  Developing an app can be resource-intensive, but there are grant opportunities available to support your efforts. If you have an idea, let’s see if we can make it happen!


Who can apply? Any middle school or high school language learner of any language.


When? Applications open in June and are due by August 3. Grant award announcements will be made on August 31.


Where?  Apply online here


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